Diablo Cody, known for her work on films like “Juno” and “Jennifer’s Body,” is returning to the horror genre with the upcoming movie “Lisa Frankenstein.” Cody...
In the tradition of Yuletide horrors like “Christmas Evil,” “Black Christmas,” and “Silent Night, Deadly Night,” a fresh Christmas slasher film titled “Santa’s List” is currently...
Unveil the Realm of Horror Social Networks as Slasher and Gore Culture Unite to Keep You Informed About the Latest in Horror.
Godzilla is set to make a roaring return in the upcoming Apple TV+ series “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters” from Legendary Television. This small screen expansion of...
The directors of “The Passenger,” Raúl Cerezo and Fernando González Gómez, have a new project on the horizon titled “The Elderly.” Bloody Disgusting reports that an...
Over four decades have passed since the release of John Carpenter‘s 1982 masterpiece, “The Thing,” and fans are still puzzling over the final scene’s ambiguity. Carpenter,...
Following the conclusion of its eleven-season run on AMC last year, “The Walking Dead” has ushered in an era of spin-off follow-ups. The first season of...
All six episodes of the fourth season of the anthology series “Creepshow,” a continuation of the franchise initiated by George A. Romero and Stephen King with...
BD reports that today, Friday the 13th, it’s the perfect occasion to dive into “We Might Hurt Each Other” (formerly known as “Pensive”), now available for...
Francesca Eastwood (known for ‘Old’ and ‘Awake’) and Milo Gibson (famous for ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ and ‘The Outpost’) headline the cast of the upcoming film ‘Clawfoot,’ helmed...