Get ready for a spine-chilling treat just in time for Halloween. Full Moon Productions is set to unleash a new supernatural horror film titled “Bring Her...
FX is set to deliver a spine-tingling Halloween treat with the return of their spinoff series, “American Horror Stories,” this month. This special four-episode event promises...
The season finale of “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon” recently graced the screens on AMC, and it brought an exciting revelation. The main show’s beloved character,...
Destry Allyn Spielberg, daughter of renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg, is stepping into the director’s chair for her feature directorial debut with the horror film Please Don’t...
Chuck Norris, the iconic action hero, is set to take on the undead in the upcoming action-comedy film “Zombie Plane,” according to a report by THR....
DreamWorks Animation is making this spooky season a delightful one for families. Following the release of “Fright Krewe” at the start of the month, their next...
Fans of tinyBuild and Scythe Dev Team’s horror games are in for a spine-tingling experience with the release of ‘Return to Northbury Grove,’ a gripping follow-up...
George A. Romero’s iconic horror masterpiece, “Dawn of the Dead,” is making a thrilling return to the silver screen, celebrating its 45th anniversary just in time...
The V/H/S franchise continues to push boundaries, as Shudder announced a seventh installment during this year’s New York Comic Con. This untitled sequel will venture into...
Get ready for a new Netflix series, “Creature,” which reimagines Mary Shelley’s classic tale of Frankenstein. Premiering on October 20, this Swedish series promises to deliver...