The tenth installment in the iconic franchise, Saw X, has proven to be a box office sensation, raking in over $70 million in earnings. Exciting news...
As the eagerly anticipated third installment of the series approaches, Tripwire remains dedicated to keeping the Killing Floor 2 community engaged with fresh content. In this...
In less than a month following its release, Neowiz’s innovative spin on the Pinocchio tale, “Lies of P,” has achieved remarkable sales figures in the Soulslike...
As fans eagerly await the arrival of the Greg Nicotero-designed Leatherface skin, Gun Interactive has exciting news for players of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre video...
Womp Stomp Films Unleashes "Never Hike Alone 2," the Much-Anticipated Fan Film Sequel.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is an all-timer. Fans still still watch this on Halloween and on Christmas. It perfectly fits both holidays. The director, Henry Selick combined...
Piper Laurie, a three-time Oscar nominee and a celebrated actress known for her compelling performances in Carrie and Twin Peaks, has passed away at the age of 91. Her manager,...
Last yearâs IT spoof from the Simpsonâs Treehouse of Horror was a lot of fun. This year it looks to be going for a lot of wackiness along...
In the dimly lit corridors of the horror genre, A24 has carved a niche, crafting tales that have not only haunted audiences but also garnered a...
Fede Alvarez, known for his work on films like Evil Dead (2013) and Don’t Breathe, embarked on the journey of directing the latest installment in the...