Next in line from the French filmmaking duo Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, renowned for their intense slasher film “Inside” and the aquatic haunted house tale...
Grammy®-nominated music video director Cooper Roberts is embarking on his maiden voyage into feature film direction with the horror-comedy “All You Need Is Blood,” and today,...
A fresh and inventive reimagining of Mary Shelley’s timeless horror classic is making its way to the silver screen in the form of “Lisa Frankenstein,” a...
In a novel twist on the shark attack genre, Blue Fox Entertainment is set to launch sales for the period piece thriller, “Fear Below,” at the...
David Fincher, at one point, was set to direct a sequel to the zombie blockbuster World War Z, but as of 2019, it was no longer...
In ‘Wicked City’ A group of urban witches push their powers to new heights and uncover dark secrets that attract dangerous enemies their way. Check out...
“Can You Survive Five Nights at Freddy’s?” The beloved video game series, Five Nights at Freddy’s, crafted by Scott Cawthon, captivated gamers with its heart-pounding, jump-scare-laden...
Nicely Entertainment, based in Los Angeles, is expanding its portfolio beyond female-driven romance by introducing Darkly Entertainment, a label dedicated to thrillers and genre content. The...
Renny Harlin’s action thriller “The Bricklayer,” featuring Aaron Eckhart and Nina Dobrev, is set for a day-and-date release in the U.S. early next year, courtesy of...
Mike Flanagan, known for his work on “Gerald’s Game” and “Doctor Sleep,” is returning to the world of Stephen King with the adaptation of “The Life...