The fusion of creature feature and the social media era comes to life in the upcoming film, ‘Tik/Croc,’ a crocodile horror movie produced by Film Mode...
It’s been a long journey to the big screen for the popular video game franchise Five Nights at Freddy’s, and fans of the game damn sure showed...
Earlier this year, Disney officially confirmed the production of “Hocus Pocus 3,” with Anne Fletcher, who directed “Hocus Pocus 2,” returning to helm the project, and...
Director David Fincher and writer Andrew Kevin Walker, the creative duo behind the ’90s hit “Se7en,” have come together once again for the highly anticipated Netflix...
Zach Cregger’s successful horror film, “Barbarian,” is the latest cinematic creation to make its way into the realm of video games, all thanks to the collaborative...
In 2021, the buzz started when Henry Cavill, famous for his role in “The Witcher,” was in discussions to take the lead in a “Highlander” reboot...
Don Mancini, the mastermind behind Chucky’s enduring legacy, has demonstrated his ability to adapt the iconic 1980s horror doll to a wide array of settings, scenarios,...
After years of anticipation, Remedy’s “Alan Wake II” has finally arrived, delighting fans with its release. But the developer has more in store for the horror...
CI Games and HEXWORKS have joined forces to enhance the gaming experience of “Lords of the Fallen” through a sequence of patches introducing fresh gameplay mechanics....
With his impressive track record in the realm of modern slashers through films like “Terrifier” and last year’s “Terrifier 2,” Damien Leone is once again making...