Deadline reports that Bleecker Street has secured the U.S. rights for “Sasquatch Sunset,” the enigmatic new project from acclaimed filmmakers David and Nathan Zellner, known for...
Georgina Campbell, known for her role in “Barbarian,” ventures back into horror with the ’90s-style sci-fi thriller “T.I.M.” (Technologically Integrated Manservant). The official trailer hints at...
Sony’s Screen Gems, recognized for recent chilling releases like “Insidious: The Red Door,” “The Pope’s Exorcist,” and “The Invitation,” is set to deepen its impact in...
The Arctic’s chilling veil engulfs “True Detective: Night Country,” a fresh chapter of HBO’s renowned series set to debut on Max (previously HBO Max) next month....
Bryan Fuller, the mastermind behind “Hannibal,” teams up once again with star Mads Mikkelsen for Entertainment One and Thunder Road’s chilling horror flick, “Dust Bunny.” Collider...
Titled a “hallucinogenic urban exploration horror film,” John Pata’s “Black Mold” claimed the Best Indie Feature accolade at this year’s Panic Fest in the US and...
Prime Video has unveiled the inaugural glimpse into the upcoming fourth season of “The Boys,” promising intensified diabolical antics from Homelander (played by Antony Starr) during...
Now that the Hollywood strikes have ended, Deadpool 3 resumed filming and a new character is being introduced: “Dogpool.” On Dogpool’s official Instagram, the canine star...
This holiday season is going to be merry and bright, thanks to some holiday horror flicks that we at GoreCulture are going to recommend to you! ...
Beetlejuice 2, the long-anticipated sequel to Tim Burton’s 1988 cult classic Beetlejuice, has officially completed filming, as announced by Burton on Instagram. The sequel, directed by...