French director Xavier Gens, known for ‘Frontiers’ and ‘Cold Skin,’ returns with the action-packed thriller ‘Mayhem!’ IFC Films recently dropped the film’s trailer and announced its...
Director Barnaby Clay marks his feature debut with Magnet Releasing’s thrilling film, “The Seeding,” focusing on a lost hiker seeking refuge with a lone woman in...
The trailer for ‘No Way Up,’ a gripping fusion of disaster and survival thriller, has surfaced, promising a harrowing tale of a plane crash and its...
Neon recently dropped a trailer for the film ‘Handling the Undead,’ a creation based on the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, known for his work on...
At this year’s Sundance Film Festival announcement, one of the intriguing films revealed is “Your Monster,” set to bring a unique blend of horror and comedy...
Max Unveils First Glimpse of “Welcome to Derry” in 2024/2025 Preview Video Max, the streaming giant, has just dropped its official 2024/2025 Preview video, tantalizing viewers...
The Sundance Film Festival has unveiled its selection of independent films for the upcoming 2024 festival, scheduled to run from January 18–28 in person at Park...
Eli Roth recently returned to the realm of R-rated horror with the slasher film “Thanksgiving” last month, and news surfaced last week that he’s set to...
Angelina Jolie’s portrayal of the delightfully wicked Maleficent in Disney’s live-action adaptation in 2014 was a perfect fit, shaping the narrative around the iconic villain and...
Netflix’s colossal hit, “Squid Game,” not only captured viewers but also spawned its own reality competition, “Squid Game: The Challenge.” Now, following its recent debut, Netflix...