Netflix and Ryan Murphy’s upcoming addition to the ‘Monster’ anthology series is titled “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story.” Set to debut on Netflix in...
The future of the Scream franchise appears uncertain with key figures departing the upcoming Scream 7, leaving Paramount/Spyglass in a challenging situation. Stars Melissa Barrera and...
Netflix is returning to R.L. Stine’s Fear Street universe with a new movie, as confirmed by the author himself. The upcoming film, based on Stine’s 1992...
NEON’s enigmatic horror movie marketing campaign for the upcoming year has captivated the horror community. Last week, the distributor initiated the buzz with a spine-chilling 35-second...
Production has officially commenced for the much-anticipated “Stranger Things 5,” marking the conclusive chapter of the beloved Netflix series. A recent behind-the-scenes photo shared by Netflix...
Prepare for a psychological horror experience as Blue Fox Entertainment is set to unveil director Adam Newacheck’s film, ‘Stranger in the Woods.’ Bloody Disgusting has the...
Following the recent release of the action-packed film ‘Mayhem!,’ French director Xavier Gens, known for ‘Frontiers’ and ‘Cold Skin,’ is gearing up to bring a thrilling...
Renowned for her portrayal of Anne Bowles in Lucio Fulci’s iconic Italian horror film ‘Zombi 2’ (also known as ‘Zombie’), actress Tisa Farrow has passed away...
Blumhouse and Universal’s Planned Exorcist Trilogy Faces Setback as Director David Gordon Green Exits ‘The Exorcist: Deceiver’ Originally envisioned as the inaugural film in a trilogy...
The V/H/S franchise delved into the eerie realms of the 1980s with “V/H/S/85” on Shudder this past Halloween season, and now the horror movie is set...