Marlon Wayans is gearing up to headline the horror film “Goat” produced by Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions, and recent reports from Deadline reveal that Tyriq Withers...
Sydney Sweeney, Emmy Award nominee known for her roles in “The White Lotus” and “Euphoria,” takes the lead in the psychological horror film “Immaculate,” and NEON...
Argentinian filmmaker Pedro Cristiani’s inaugural feature, titled “Deus Irae,” is making waves with a blood-soaked first look image unveiled by Deadline. XYZ Films has recently secured...
Following Netflix’s acquisition of “It’s What’s Inside” at Sundance 2024, another standout genre film that premiered at the festival has secured distribution. NEON has acquired the...
The popular series “Squid Game” is set to make a comeback with its highly anticipated Season 2 on Netflix, according to a letter to shareholders obtained...
Last week, the reunion of Creed director and star Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan for a “feature film project” was announced, and now Deadline provides...
Doug Bradley, renowned for his iconic role as Pinhead in the Hellraiser films, is set to join the cast of the upcoming movie “The Demonatrix.” This...
The architect behind the original Jurassic Park, David Koepp, is set to return to the realm of dinosaurs as reported by THR. Koepp is currently penning...
Following its premiere at Sundance, Netflix has made a substantial $17 million investment to secure the global rights for the horror film “It’s What’s Inside,” as...
In this housing economy, it’s best to hold onto your home for dear life. However, facing a supernatural force that threatens your family would make staying...