Director Matthew Hersh, known for his work on the SCREAMBOX horror film “Night of the Missing,” is stepping into the spotlight with his feature directorial debut,...
Barbara Crampton, renowned for her roles in horror classics like “Re-Animator” and “Suitable Flesh,” is set to star alongside Luke Barnett from “Faith Based” in the...
A fresh teaser for the enigmatic horror film “Cuckoo,” directed by Tilman Singer (“Luz”) and produced by NEON, dropped today, offering another glimpse of star Hunter...
The “Chucky” franchise has proven its adaptability, with Don Mancini’s recent movies and television series thrusting the iconic character into diverse settings such as a psychiatric...
The Wrap has announced that Iconic Events is set to bring the public domain horror film “Cinderella’s Revenge” to the big screen, scheduled for release on...
NEON has unveiled an exciting lineup of horror films for 2024, featuring highly anticipated titles like the Nicolas Cage-led “Longlegs” and Sydney Sweeney’s “Immaculate.” Adding to...
Following the success of last year’s Evil Dead Rise, the fifth installment of Sam Raimi’s renowned film series, fans can anticipate yet another thrilling addition to...
More than two decades after the release of Darkness Falls, the menacing presence of the Tooth Fairy is poised to haunt the silver screen once again...
It has been two years since the debut of Netflix’s “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” positioned as a “legacy sequel” to Tobe Hooper’s original horror classic released on...
Prepare for the unleashing of killer hogs in the upcoming survival horror film “Feral,” helmed by Australian director Jesse O’Brien (known for “Two Heads Creek”), currently...