Following recent news that director Ryan Coogler and actor Michael B. Jordan are collaborating on a mysterious project, which was later revealed to be a vampire...
Brace yourselves for a bizarre yet true-to-life tale in the upcoming horror flick, The Emu War, inspired by the peculiar events of the “Great Emu War”...
One of the anticipated genre films making its way to SXSW 2024 is ‘Arcadian’, previously known as ‘Sand and Stones’. This post-apocalyptic creature feature stars Nicolas...
Sydney Sweeney, known for her roles in “The White Lotus” and “Euphoria,” takes the lead in NEON’s psychological horror feature, “Immaculate,” which received an “R” rating...
Fresh off her role in the 2023 horror hit “Evil Dead Rise,” Lily Sullivan returns to the screen in the upcoming horror film “Monolith” from Well...
As we eagerly anticipate Hunter Schafer’s upcoming horror flick, “Cuckoo,” the talented actress has already lined up her next venture in the genre. Titled “Palette,” this...
A24’s latest offering, Love Lies Bleeding, directed by Rose Glass of Saint Maud fame, is set to hit theaters next month after receiving glowing reviews at...
Paramount Pictures is revisiting the terrifying world of A Quiet Place with the upcoming prequel film, A Quiet Place: Day One, aiming to deepen the lore...
AMC’s acclaimed anthology series “The Terror” is set to make its return with a new installment titled “The Terror: Devil in Silver” in 2025, as announced...
Writer-director Doug Rao is set to make his feature debut with “Dirty Boy,” a psychological thriller featuring Graham McTavish (“House of the Dragon”), according to Deadline’s...