In Los Angeles, fans eagerly anticipating Lionsgate and Blumhouse’s upcoming film “Imaginary” now have the chance to step into the eerie world of the movie with...
Legendary’s Monsterverse is poised to make a roaring return to theaters on March 29th with “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire,” and fans are in for...
“Joseph Quinn, known for his role in ‘Stranger Things,’ continues to soar in popularity, captivating audiences as Eddie Munson. Following his success, Quinn is set to...
While A24’s horror flick “Talk to Me” may have missed recognition at the United States’ Academy Awards this year, it’s celebrating a significant victory across the...
The Unnamed Footage Festival has unveiled the initial lineup for its seventh annual installment, featuring a diverse selection of Found Footage Horror, First Person POV, and...
We’re nearing the climax in the Night Country. With just one episode remaining to unravel the enigmas of “True Detective: Night Country,” the season has emerged...
Fresh from clinching a triumphant Super Bowl victory, Kansas City Chiefs’ tight end Travis Kelce isn’t slowing down in making waves. This time, he’s making headlines...
Reported first by Jeff Sneider and John Rocha on their show “The Hot Mic” last year, acclaimed director David Robert Mitchell, known for his work on...
A new psychological horror film, “The Devil’s Bath,” is in the works from the creators of “The Lodge” and “Goodnight Mommy,” Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala....
Bleecker Street has secured the U.S. rights to “Sasquatch Sunset,” a mysterious new feature from acclaimed filmmakers David and Nathan Zellner, with Executive Producer Ari Aster...