Tubi, the renowned streaming platform known for its vast library of content offered at no cost to viewers, has announced today the acquisition of “Dead Hot,”...
Netflix has secured the rights to the gripping female-driven genre thriller “Apex,” described as a fusion of “Free Solo” and “Silence of the Lambs,” as reported...
Sophie Turner, best known for her role in “Game of Thrones,” is adding another thrilling project to her resume. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Turner is...
The ensemble cast for Parker Finn’s anticipated sequel “Smile 2” continues to expand, with Deadline reporting that Raúl Castillo (“Army of the Dead”) and Miles Gutierrez-Riley...
Jaume Collet-Serra, renowned for directing horror hits like “House of Wax,” “Orphan,” and “The Shallows,” is gearing up to helm the upcoming Universal and Blumhouse thriller,...
During NBCUniversal’s TCA presentation today, Peacock made a significant announcement, revealing the straight-to-series order for four new scripted projects from Universal Studio Group. Among these is...
Blumhouse wasted no time in greenlighting the sequel to M3GAN following the success of its predecessor, which grossed an impressive $180 million in 2022. However, fans...
After more than a year since its production and two release date changes, the enigmatic horror/thriller film “Project Paranoia” has finally made its debut on the...
The timeless horror series, The Omen, is set for a chilling resurrection with the release of the brand-new 20th Century Studios film, The First Omen, slated...
The highly anticipated third season of “Chucky” on USA and SYFY was divided into two parts due to last year’s Hollywood strikes, but fans can rejoice...