Dennis Quaid, best known for his intense performance in Deon Taylor’s The Intruder, is set to delve into darkness once again in the forthcoming Paramount+ series...
Indie filmmaker Mickey Keating, known for works like “Darling,” “Ritual,” and “Carnage Park,” returns with a chilling new home invasion horror film titled “Invader” in 2024....
Producer Brad Fuller, known for his work on “A Quiet Place,” brings forth the sci-fi thriller “The Astronaut,” with a tantalizing first look image featuring star...
Nicolas Cage’s latest film, “Arcadian,” is already making waves ahead of its premiere at SXSW 2024. RLJE Films has secured the distribution rights for the post-apocalyptic...
The highly anticipated film “Prey,” which shares its title with last year’s Predator franchise installment, now has an official release date set for March 15, accompanied...
Director Ariel Vida’s upcoming horror film, “Trim Season,” explores the dark underbelly of a marijuana farm job, and according to Variety, it has been acquired by...
Musician-turned-director Flying Lotus, known for his work on “Kuso” is gearing up for his next project, the highly anticipated sci-fi thriller “Ash.” Today, Deadline reports that...
Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala, the dynamic duo behind acclaimed films like “The Lodge” and “Goodnight Mommy,” continue to make waves in the film industry. Following...
The anticipation for the fourth season of “Evil” builds with the release of a new teaser trailer, offering a glimpse into the demonic chaos awaiting viewers....
Filmmaker Kiah Roache-Turner is set to unleash spine-chilling terror this spring with “Sting,” a film that promises to amplify your arachnophobia to unimaginable heights. Well Go...