Next on the horizon from filmmaker Jaume Collet-Serra, known for his work on “House of Wax,” “Orphan,” and “The Shallows,” comes the highly anticipated Universal and...
Just two months following his daughter Ishana Night Shyamalan’s debut in the horror flick “The Watchers,” M. Night Shyamalan unveils his latest thriller, “Trap.” Scheduled for...
Director Alexandre Aja‘s next film, originally titled Mother Land, has undergone a change and is now known as Never Let Go. Lionsgate has recently unveiled the...
“Summer School” will make its debut on Max starting May 9, 2024. The Max Original series, produced by Warner Bros. Television, will kick off with two...
Netflix has secured the global distribution rights for “Don’t Move,” an upcoming horror film produced by Sam Raimi‘s Raimi Productions and Hammerstone Studios (Barbarian). Variety broke...
After a lengthy wait, it seems that the sequel to the first Five Nights at Freddy’s movie is already in the works at Blumhouse. Producer Jason...
Just two months following his daughter Ishana Night Shyamalan’s debut in the horror film “The Watchers,” the renowned filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan returns with his latest...
Since Steven Spielberg revolutionized the film industry with “Jaws” in the 1970s, the shark attack horror genre has seen numerous entries flood the market. However, the...
Unfortunately, the upcoming fourth season of the Paramount+ horror series “Evil” will mark the show’s final installment. Today, it was announced that the season will premiere...
After an 18-year hiatus, fans of the classic horror franchise “The Omen” are treated to its return to the big screen with director Arkasha Stevenson’s “The...