Director Maggie Gyllenhaal is resurrecting the beloved Bride of Frankenstein for her upcoming film “The Bride!”, and she’s bringing her brother Jake Gyllenhaal along for the...
According to a report from THR, Academy Award nominee Paul Giamatti, known for his deep-rooted love for horror, is gearing up to take on a pivotal...
Mark Duplass, the mastermind behind the eerie Creep franchise, has left fans buzzing with anticipation following a cryptic TikTok video announcement today. The video hinted at...
NECA celebrates the horror classic An American Werewolf in London with an upcoming action figure two-pack that brings both David and Jack into your toy collection this year....
Coming soon from SpookHouse MediaWorks and Strange Films Studios is a horror movie titled Piglet, the latest twisted take on a public-domain character from the Pooh universe....
Released in 1981, the original Canadian slasher classic My Bloody Valentine spawned a Hollywood remake (My Bloody Valentine 3D) in 2009, but it’s now been 15 years since...
Director Randall Okita, known for “See for Me,” returns with his latest project, “Menace,” this year. Notably, the screenplay for “Menace” is penned by Thom Eberhardt,...
As fans eagerly await updates on A24 and Peacock’s “Crystal Lake” TV series, currently navigating a change in showrunners, Horror Inc. is making waves with their...
Prepare for a chilling blast from the past as the ’90s slasher franchise “I Know What You Did Last Summer” makes its comeback to the silver...
Following the success of last year’s box office hit “Insidious: The Red Door,” Sony has confirmed the release date for the next chapter in the chilling...