Ted Geoghegan, known for films like “Mohawk” and “We Are Still Here,” returns with the supernatural horror movie “Brooklyn 45,” set to premiere on Shudder on...
The action-packed thriller “Hypnotic,” directed by Robert Rodriguez and starring Ben Affleck, has made its way to Digital platforms for at-home viewing as of May 30,...
According to Variety, Antídoto Horror Factory is set to be established as a collaboration between Dark Star Pictures based in the United States, Mantícora from Mexico,...
Jack Quaid, known for his role in “Scream,” has been cast as the lead in the upcoming sci-fi/horror film “Companion,” produced by Zach Cregger of “Barbarian”...
Well GO USA Entertainment has acquired worldwide rights to the Christmas horror film A Creature Was Stirring, which has recently received its official rating from the...
M. Night Shyamalan takes on the role of producer for the highly anticipated thriller ‘Caddo Lake,’ previously known as ‘The Vanishings At Caddo Lake.’ This week,...
Following Leigh Whannell’s 2020 adaptation of Universal’s “The Invisible Man,” the iconic tale by H.G. Wells returns in a new form with this year’s release of...
Get Ready for the Epic Return: Long-Awaited Sequel Unveils Exciting New Footage.
Exclusive Sneak Peek: Get a Glimpse of the Thrilling 'Subspecies V: Bloodrise' as Radu Returns.
Prepare for a thrilling summer as Saban Films gears up to release the alligator horror movie, ‘The Flood.’ The official trailer has surfaced online, showcasing a...