Prepare for Yorgos Lanthimos‘ highly anticipated return with “Poor Things,” a captivating and Frankenstein-inspired tale based on Alistair Gray’s 1992 novel. Starring Emma Stone alongside Willem...
In an exciting update from the Cannes market, The Coven has officially announced the highly anticipated ‘Terrifier 3,’ with worldwide sales being handled by the franchise’s...
Exciting news for fans of the ‘Insidious’ franchise as a new spinoff movie has been announced by Deadline. Titled ‘Thread: An Insidious Tale,’ the upcoming film...
Highly Anticipated “Black Mirror” Season 6 Trailer Drops: Unpredictable and Unconventional Episodes Arrive on June 15! Check the trailer up here! Netflix has unveiled the official...
Renowned actor John Beasley, best known for his recurring appearances on the television series “Everwood” and “The Soul Man,” sadly passed away on Tuesday, May 30,...
As we embrace the arrival of summer, horror movie enthusiasts are in for a treat with a lineup of thrilling releases. Dubbed the Summer of Screams,...
SRS Cinema Presents ‘Cocaine Crabs from Outer Space‘ – Pre-Sales for Blu-ray Begin, Digital and DVD Release Coming Soon. Following the success of this year’s “Cocaine...
After encountering multiple delays, the remake of the horror classic “Nosferatu” by acclaimed director Robert Eggers (“The Witch,” “The Lighthouse,” “The Northman”) is finally making progress....
The upcoming horror film “Marshmallow” takes a campfire horror tale and brings it to life, and according to Deadline, Corbin Bernsen (known for “The Dentist”) has...
No Regrets Films has an exciting horror anthology feature titled “6” in the works, and according to Rue Morgue, horror icons Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley...