Yesterday, Peacock made waves at #SummerGameFest by showcasing an extended clip from their highly anticipated “Twisted Metal” TV series. Building up the excitement, they have now...
In celebration of “Ghostbusters Day,” a fresh take on the iconic Ghostbusters logo has been officially unveiled on social media. Fans are speculating that this logo...
“The Witcher” Season 3 is set to grace our screens in the summer of 2023, delivering an enthralling narrative across two volumes. Henry Cavill as Geralt...
James DeMonaco Teases Potential New 'Purge' Sequel, with Frank Grillo's Return.
In “Til Death Do Us Part,” directed by Timothy Woodward Jr. (known for the Lin Shaye horror film “The Call”) and created by Jeffrey Reddick, the...
Joe Lynch’s “Suitable Flesh,” based on H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Thing On The Doorstep,” is set to have its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival this...
Renowned filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos, known for his critically acclaimed movies like “The Killing of a Sacred Deer” and “Dogtooth,” returns with “Poor Things,” a captivating Frankenstein-inspired...
Disney's Highly Anticipated 'Hocus Pocus 3' Confirmed with Anne Fletcher Returning as Director.
Joe Lynch’s Lovecraftian film “Suitable Flesh,” based on H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Thing On The Doorstep,” is set to release in theaters and VOD later this year,...
Olivia West Lloyd, the writer/director of the highly anticipated film “Somewhere Quiet,” delves into the uncharted territory of what happens to the Final Girl after the...