Lisa Rinna, known for her appearances on “Real Housewives,” is set to make an appearance in Season 3 of Ryan Murphy’s spinoff series, “American Horror Stories.”...
Dracula is set to make his return to the big screen this summer in “The Last Voyage of the Demeter,” a new horror movie from Universal...
Melissa McBride's Potential Return to "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" Sparks Excitement.
Neil LaBute, known for his work on films like The Wicker Man and House of Darkness, returns with the gripping action-thriller Fear the Night, distributed by...
Earlier this year, it was revealed that an all-new horror movie based on Swamp Thing was in the works as part of DC’s upcoming projects. The...
A town holds its secrets close, shrouded in mystery and concealed from prying eyes. Dwight H. Little, renowned for his directorial work on Halloween 4: The...
After its limited theatrical release in the United States through Fathom Events in May, “Shin Kamen Rider” is set to make its way to households worldwide...
Renowned "Hannibal" creator Bryan Fuller and the talented Mads Mikkelsen are joining forces once again for Thunder Road's latest horror venture, "Dust Bunny," which has already...
Alongside the highly anticipated survival thriller “Quicksand,” which is set to premiere on July 14, Shudder has exciting news for horror enthusiasts. They have just unveiled...
Blumhouse and EPIX Join Forces with Johnny Berchtold and Kyle Gallner for Horror Flick 'The Passenger'.