Your wedding day is typically a joyous occasion, filled with love and surrounded by cherished family and friends. It’s meant to mark the beginning of a...
In a recent announcement by the San Bernardino Sheriff’s office, it was revealed that a body has been discovered in the Mount Baldy wilderness. This location...
Newest Entry 'Evil Dead Rise' Joins the Collection: Stream All Five Films in the Evil Dead Franchise on Max Today!
Without a doubt, “From” is an unparalleled streaming series, and I am honored to have the opportunity to bring it to your attention once more. Its...
Shudder’s “Slasher” is a unique series for horror fans. Each season is a new story, and it is Friday the 13th meets Scream meets American Horror Story. A brutal murder mystery...
Prepare for an exciting cinematic experience this summer as Shin’ichirô Ueda‘s renowned zombie film, “One Cut of the Dead,” gets a thrilling French makeover in the...
“Friday the 13th” franchise composer, Harry Manfredini, has spilled some news that is set to excite the fandom of the Friday the 13th franchise! Not only will...
Prepare for the thrilling culmination of Henry Cavill’s portrayal of Geralt of Rivia, as the highly anticipated “The Witcher” Season 3 Volume 1 hits screens worldwide...
Neon Noir Wraps Principal Photography for Controversial Thriller 'Garden of Eden'.
Prepare to be captivated by the chilling addition to Mad Cave Studios’ horror comic lineup with “The Devil That Wears My Face.” Written by the esteemed...