The extended prequel to the Friday the 13th movie franchise aptly titled Crystal Lake has been a discussion within the horror community since October of 2022. It has been previously...
Blumhouse has been a big asset to the horror genre the past couple of decades, with the Halloween trilogy, the upcoming Exorcist trilogy, and franchises, including The Conjuring, Insidious, and Sinister making...
The Evil Dead franchise is alive and well, as proven by the success of its latest installment into the franchise, Evil Dead Rise. The new film, which is...
Fans eagerly anticipating the chance to serve the public trust in the upcoming game RoboCop: Rogue City are in for a treat. Teyon, the developer behind...
Kevin Bacon Returns to Horror with Blumhouse TV's "The Bondsman" for Prime Video.
In a world dominated by incredible heroes and villains, one unusual protagonist comes to deliver justice in the most unexpected way. “Eggbeater” is a thrilling comic...
Autumn is mostly known for its spooky season, especially among the horror fandom. Halloween is a few months away, and so is the fall. There are...
Evil is unrestricted, with cases of murder and missing individuals, driven by various factors like vengeance, cheating, and love.
Prepare for a slow and chilling descent into terror with NEON‘s upcoming horror movie, “It Lives Inside,” directed by Bishal Dutta and produced by the masterminds...
Pluto TV has exciting news for kaiju enthusiasts with the launch of the Godzilla Channel. This dedicated channel will exclusively showcase Godzilla movies, offering fans a...