The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, the next spin-off of the popular zombie apocalypse series, is set to premiere on AMC and AMC+ on September 10th. A...
In the wake of the 48th anniversary of Jaws, Shudder is celebrating the shark horror movie with a new documentary, Sharksploitation. The film will explore the...
Lionsgate’s new horror movie Cobweb is set to be released in theaters on July 21st, 2023, and BD reports that a new clip has been released....
Nicolas Cage has officially joined Dead by Daylight as a new playable survivor. The actor is featured in a new spotlight trailer that shows off his...
Adding to the lineup of successful creature features like Leio: The Terrible Giant, The Lake, and The 100, Thailand’s film market continues to thrive with the...
Disney’s highly anticipated Haunted Mansion film, based on the beloved dark ride attraction found at Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, and Tokyo Disneyland, is set to hit theaters...
Florida-Born Horror Musical 'Big Easy Queens' Set for World Premiere at Popcorn Frights!.
Exclusive Trailer and Poster Revealed for 'Dark Windows': A Thrilling Slasher with a Twist.
BD reported that had the opportunity to chat with Ted Raimi about his upcoming psychological thriller, Failure!, an ambitious project that unfolds in a single take....
Get ready to step back into the eerie world of Ludlow and the Pet Sematary this Halloween season as Paramount+ unveils the highly anticipated prequel movie,...