Prepare to be spellbound by the upcoming horror film, “It Lives Inside,” directed by Bishal Dutta. This chilling cinematic experience is set to hit theaters on...
The burgeoning genre label, Welcome Villain Films, burst onto the cinematic scene earlier this year with their spine-tingling release, “Malum.” Now, they’re gearing up for another...
In a world where technology blurs the line between security and vulnerability, the stage is set for a spine-tingling showdown. On August 25th, FilmRise, the dynamic...
Prepare for another spine-tingling Halloween season as Shudder gears up to unleash “Creepshow” Season 4. The streaming service has just announced that the highly anticipated new...
Prepare for more spine-tingling Halloween-themed horror as the low-budget anthology series “10/31” returns with its latest installment, “10/31: Part III.” This time around, the anthology promises...
Get ready for the highly anticipated 12th installment of the critically acclaimed anthology series, “American Horror Story,” masterminded by the creative duo Ryan Murphy and Brad...
A24's Low-Budget Horror Triumph 'Talk to Me' Heads to Physical Media for Halloween.
Benicio Del Toro and Alicia Silverstone Reunite for Netflix's Thriller 'Reptile'.
Bonnie Aarons plays the titular demon Valek in The Conjuring universe’s spin-off The Nun. According to The Hollywood Reporter, she is suing Warner Bros. over what she claims to be shortfalls...
With Gamescom kicking off this week, NEOWIZ is giving Lies of P fans some love with a brand-new gameplay trailer ahead of the event. This new gameplay trailer...