nDreams and Sony Pictures Virtual Reality’s highly anticipated title, “Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord,” is finally set to haunt your Halloween this year. Originally announced...
Sung Kang, known for his role in the Fast & Furious franchise, is making his directorial debut with “Shaky Shivers.” Bloody Disgusting’s SCREAMBOX and Fathom Events...
In a delightful surprise for horror enthusiasts, October’s Friday the 13th lineup just got even more thrilling with the announcement of John Carpenter’s upcoming Peacock series,...
The highly anticipated “Goosebumps” television series, a joint project between Disney+ and Hulu, is set to make its debut on October 13. The series’ full official...
As part of this year’s extensive AMC FearFest lineup, one film that’s generating considerable buzz is “The Puppetman,” a Shudder Original set to start streaming on...
Neve Campbell‘s meteoric rise to stardom, thanks to her iconic role in the “Scream” film franchise following her success on “Party of Five,” has been a...
Blink 182 musicianĀ Tom DeLongeĀ is channeling his passion for UFOs and extraterrestrial activity into a feature film, titledĀ Monsters of CaliforniaĀ and releasing this October. Gizmodo shares the official...
Holiday traditions take a dark and chilling turn in the upcoming horror film “There’s Something in the Barn,” and today, Bloody Disgusting has the exclusive reveal...
Shudder, Studio71, Cinepocalypse, and Bloody Disgusting are gearing up to transport viewers back to the nostalgic depths of the 1980s with their latest horror offering, “V/H/S/85.”...
Prepare for the return of the legendary Godzilla in Toho’s latest offering, “Godzilla Minus One,” marking the first Japanese-produced Godzilla film since the release of “Shin...